The following information is according to reports from the UNF Police Department.

Stolen parking decal
A UNF student reported her parking decal stolen. The decal went missing on Jan. 15. She notified UNFPD on Jan. 20. She parked her car on the second floor of Garage 44 on Jan. 15 and then walked to class. When she returned to her car, she noticed she got a parking citation. That’s when she realized her decal was gone. Police didn’t lift any fingerprints because of the time lapse between the incident and her reporting of the incident and weather conditions. The student could not provide any suspect information or investigative leads.
Stolen bag, computer and hard drive
A 27-year-old male reported his carry bag was stolen from his car. The bag contained his computer and hard drive. On Jan. 15, he parked his father’s car in the back parking lot of the University Center, Bldg. 43. The next morning, he could not find his bag. He checked his locate service for his computer, and the last place it was logged in was the University Center on Jan. 15. The officer did not notice any signs of forced entry. The victim did say, however, the rear drivers side door does not always lock when it should. The vehicle was not processed, and a canvass was not completed due to the delay in reporting the incident. The computer was valued at $1,300, and the hard drive was valued at $120. The bag itself was valued at $70.
Another stolen parking decal
On Jan. 20, another student reported his parking decal stolen. The student parked his car in Lot 14 on Jan. 9. He left campus, and when he returned home, he realized his decal was missing. The officer noticed a small piece of the decal was still there. He also observed scraping marks and glue residue indicating someone had removed it.
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