Photo by Natalie Logan
Student Government (SG) Senator Blake Kennedy began the March 23 Senate Budget and Allocations Committee (BAC) meeting by announcing that the recent budget proposal has officially been passed and signed by UNF President John Delaney.
“All of the signatures that are required to pass this budget have been received,” Kennedy said, “It is written in stone.”
Several campus organizations also appeared before the committee in order to request funding for upcoming club events.
The UNF Grappling Club, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Enactus presented travel requests before the committee, while Command +N Design sought special request funding. All requests were unanimously approved, with only ASME receiving an amended portion of funds solicited.
The Grappling Club received $1,830, Enactus was awarded $500, Command +N Design received $2,945 and ASME was allowed an amended amount of $834, down from the $1,144 initially requested.
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