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Destructive student, pot bust, and stolen bikes

Landing resident claims final pot bust of the spring semester

On May 3, the last remaining resident of the Landing X building got caught with marijuana in his dorm.

Around 10:30 p.m., an officer responded to a call from an RLC about the smell of weed coming from a dorm at the Landing during final room inspections.

Photo by Zach Evans
Graphic by Zach Evans

The officer asked the only resident left in building X if he could enter the room, and the resident let him. The officer asked the resident if he was smoking, who said yes and handed over all his drugs and paraphernalia.

He gave the officer .7 grams of marijuana, a plastic bottle with marijuana residue, a metal grinder with residue and a multi-colored wooden pipe.

The officer searched the rest of the room but didn’t find anything else.

Due to the resident’s honesty, cooperation and lack of previous contact with the police, the officer decided to handle the situation through Student Conduct.

Another day, another stolen bike

A student reported her bicycle stolen from Lot 14 on May 13.

The student said she locked her bike to the aluminum hand rails that run along the sidewalk on May 1. When she returned to school on May 13, the bike was missing.

The victim didn’t know the make, model or serial number for the bike, but she described it as a beach cruiser with “Ruby” written on the frame. The bike has white handlebars with red grips, silver fenders, white pedals and whitewall tires.

Patrol efforts have been suspended.

Deja vu: second stolen bike

Photo by Camille Shaw

A student reported her bicycle stolen from the Student Union on May 19.

The student told UNFPD she locked her bike at the bike rack under the stairs near the Student Union west building on April 29 around 3 p.m. When she returned on May 17, it was gone.

She looked around campus but couldn’t find the bike.

The victim said she’d contact her mother to see if she had the paperwork with the make, model and serial number.

Due to the delay in reporting the theft, patrol efforts have been suspended.

Unhappy student breaks door at Parking Services

A student who was angry with the way Parking Services treated him broke the door to the building as he stormed out on May 18.

A female working at the front desk said the student asked for help with his appeals process and temporary parking passes. The student reportedly received an answer he didn’t like and said, “It’s ridiculous that you have to have a doctor’s note for your car.”

After making that comment, the student stormed out and pushed the door so hard that made a loud noise, and everyone in the lobby turned and looked at the door.

When the student saw the door hadn’t closed, he tried closing it, but it stayed open. He then made a comment about how he didn’t realize how hard he hit the door. The front desk employee told him to stop trying to force it closed so she could get a supervisor.

By the time she returned to the front of the building, the student left.

A locksmith came by to evaluate the door, and he said it would cost about $900 to replace it.

The supervisor asked that the case not be continued as a law enforcement matter. He said he would forward the incident to Student Conduct.

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