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Six SG candidates await appointment, $2,402 approved in travel requests

Senators reviewing the meeting’s agenda. 

Photo by Michael Herrera
Senators reviewing the meeting’s agenda. Photo by Michael Herrera
Senators reviewing the meeting’s agenda.  Photo by Michael Herrera
Senators reviewing the meeting’s agenda.
Photo by Michael Herrera

Four students seeking general Senate seats were each unanimously approved by the Government Oversight Committee (GOC) during their meeting on Sept. 21. The candidates will return to the Student Government (SG) Senate Chamber to finalize their appointments at SG’s next Senate meeting.

The GOC also forwarded two candidates for open Judicial branch positions to Senate for approval.

The Budget and Allocations Committee (BAC) approved a $1,922.06 travel request for the Student Nutrition and Dietician Club (SNDC), and a $480 travel request for student Clare Stern.

The Nutrition and Dietician Club requested funding in the amount of $1,957 in order to send club members to the Food and Nutrition Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, from Oct. 3-6 where student hopefuls may be granted an opportunity to take part in an internship matching process. The requested amount was amended to $1,922.06 after committee members discussed current gas prices and restructured the lodging amount listed.

UNF senior Clare Stern requested funding to cover flight costs to Salt Lake City, Utah, where she hopes to attend the Parliament of World Religion conference on October 15-19. Guest speakers Jane Goodall and the Dalai Lama are expected to attend. Stern, a public health major, has already received financial support for registration and lodging from individuals involved with the Interfaith Center on campus.

The GOC in discussion over new senate candidates.   Photo by Michael Herrera
The GOC in discussion over new senate candidates.
Photo by Michael Herrera

Both travel requests will be up for Senate approval next week.

University and Student Affairs Committee (USAC) members discussed the Osprey Voice survey being conducted through Sept. 23. According to Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe, the committee had recorded 142 responses on its first day in circulation and will remain on the SG Facebook page for the duration of the campaign.

September’s Osprey Voice survey asks students about the Lend-a-Wing pantry, rentable cell phone chargers, rentable calculators and campus safety at night.

The next general Senate meeting is scheduled for Sept. 28 at 6:30 pm in the Senate Chambers. Senate will make the final decision to approve each of the candidate appointments and both of the travel requests.

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