Students voted against having concealed firearms on campus with 51 percent of the vote according to the Fall elections results. There were a total of 1,004 votes cast on the plebiscite, with 512 votes cast in opposition to concealed carry. The number of students in support of concealed carry was 386 (38.4 percent) and 106 voted neutral (10.6 percent).
According to the UNF Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, the fall 2015 enrollment status is at 15,839 students, with the number of votes cast on the plebiscite equaling approximately 6.3% of the student body.
The Article IV Revision referendum, which was also on the ballot and involves Supreme Court absences and the right for the judicial branch to remove those members with excess absence points, passed with 91 percent of the vote.
Students voted with 84 percent in support of the Binding Responsibility and Adherence to Democracy Act, which establishes an independent elections office under the UNF constitution.
No senatorial candidates were present on this ballot, and all candidates up for election ran unopposed and won with no contest.
A validation bill confirming these results is expected at the Nov. 9 Senate meeting. That evening, senators will also open the floor for discussion on the results of the gun plebiscite. Students will have an opportunity to speak during the student remarks hearing at this senate meeting.
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