Today is the day, when UNF students will receive their degree during UNF’s fall commencement. Some students will be recognized for service work and volunteerism in college, including UNF student Kyle Trenor, who graduates Friday with a self-made nonprofit under his belt of accomplishments.
The university will recognize Trenor’s track-record of volunteerism and service work with the Senior Service Award this week during the fall commencement at the UNF Arena.
Trenor, who will graduate with a bachelor of business administration from UNF, co-founded Change a Life Charity. The mission of the nonprofit organization is to provide resources to local organizations that aid those who lack basic necessities in Jacksonville.
Trenor has organized local food and clothing drives for the charity and plans to continue growing the organization after graduation.
When it comes to service work, Trenor said that change comes not only from the person being helped but for the helper as well.
“I believe that helping another person changes two lives, not just one. You also improve yourself while improving others’ lives,” Trenor said. “It’s key to remember that it’s not always what you get that’s important, but what you become that’s important.”
Not only has he been active with his nonprofit, but Trenor has also been active on campus.
Trenor serves as a Coggin College of Business Student Ambassador, where he helped create programs for the Career Management Center and the Coggin College.
And as a fellow senior looking back on his college career, Trenor said he’s grateful for the opportunities and experiences on campus and in the community.
“I’ve taken every opportunity to become the best version of myself and to help as many people as I can along the way,” Trenor said. “Leaving UNF is not the end; it’s only the beginning, and I’m excited to continue to spread my wings.”
The university will hand out over 1,000 degrees during Friday morning’s fall commencement. The ceremony for the College of Arts and Sciences and College of Computing, Engineering and Construction will take place at 10 a.m., while the ceremony for the Brooks College of Health, Coggin College of Business and the College of Education and Human Services starts at 2 p.m.
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