Correction: Due to reporter error, the vote count of the vacancy solution was incorrect and the Senator candidate process has been clarified. The Spinnaker holds accuracy in its highest regard, and apologizes for this mistake.
Caleb Grantham and Isabella Genta are officially, with no surprise or suspense, your new Student Government President and Vice President.
The Senate passed the Election Validation Bill (SB-16S-2951), 19-0-9. This bill is an SG requirement to confirm the results of a semester’s election, which in the case of this semester featured no candidate versus candidate scenario.
The president, vice president and 20 senators won by acclamation. (*See end of article for list of senators.) Of the 20 senators, eight are currently serving and abstained from the vote. The constitutional referendum that increased the minimum GPA of SG members from 2.25 to 2.5 was the only other item on the bill.
No election complaints were filed, a stark contrast to last year’s divisive election in which 12 complaints were put in.
The validation of the Spring 2016 election occurred one week earlier than anticipated. Election Commissioner Bradley Johnson altered his original election timeline because the election must be confirmed within ten business days. SG held senate and committee meetings in succession.
The Senate and Committee schedule initially stated the Senate would convene March 28. That meeting has been canceled.
Senate President Baker said in the email that it was the legislature’s responsibility to validate the election within SG’s constitutional timeline. The Senate President has the ability to schedule senate meetings.
“In order for our elections to be validated within the correct timeline we had to have a senate meeting by this Friday, so we just moved the senate meeting from next week to this week,” Senate President Chase Baker said.
For a full list of “elected” Senators, see below. Those in bold are new appointees, those not are returning legislators.
Revisions to Article III
Revisions to the laws concerning powers and duties of the Executive branch passed in the Committee and Senate on the same night.
The Vice President position will no longer be open to applicants.
“The President pretty much knows who they want to serve as their Vice President,” said Senator Sami Mims, author and sponsor of (SB-16S-2946).
When asked if hiring from within was appropriate, Attorney General Dana Baker said the President selects their VP candidate on their ticket when they run for election, so they should be afforded the same opportunity.
The Executive Branch will not advertise the position.
Baker referred to a scenario when Guerra tabbed Caleb Grantham as her VP Nov 19. Guerra rescinded her nomination Nov. 24, only to name Grantham her VP Jan. 6.
Guerra said the process naming a VP takes too much time from the valuable tasks a VP performs.
President Guerra said the VP candidate still has to go through the Government Oversight (GO) committee and Senate for confirmation.
Finally, the Executive Branch must establish and publish an executive policies and procedures. This is a set of guidelines that regulates the Executive Branch.
Conflict of Interest
Students running for office have to resign from positions that directly affected the election in bill (SB-16S-2948), which passed 27-1-0.
Baker’s findings came from a interpretation request filed by Election Commissioner Johnson.
The Election Commissioner, Attorney General, Student Advocate, Government Oversight Chairman and committee members, and Supreme Court Justices must resign from their positions if they decide to run for President or Vice President.
“These positions would be considered within a conflict of interest if they declared candidacy,” Baker said.
Baker said the members of positions responsible for overseeing elections usually step down to run, but it was not specified in the election code.
The Vacancy Solution-Sayers
The Senate passed “The Vacancy Solution” (OB-16S-2944) 22-0-6 which puts in legislation the GO Committee’s process for appointing Senate candidates. Although this process is outlined in legislation, the measure improves and solidifies the process.
“Originally it was a come first serve first basis,” GO Committee Chairman Vaughn Sayers said. “I thought it was too simplistic a way to decide who gets a spot in the Senate.”
The GO Committee reviews all candidates seeking appointment. Each candidate will go before the GO committee. Once the GO committee votes for their preferred candidate, they must be confirmed by the Senate.
If candidates are denied by the Senate, they must begin the application process again. The GO Committee cannot forward more prospective appointees than open senate seats in a given Senate meeting.
“Through clarifying the conflict of interest and addressing the vacancy solution, we’re hoping to cover all the bases,” Sayers said.
*Senator List
Brooks Baptiste
Dallas Burke
Warren Butler
Ania Cajuste
Sarah Galloway
Courtney Jackson
Seth Johnson
Christopher Jordan
Nina Lee
Robert Mistretta
Erik Nipper
Suzanne O’Connor
Alexandra Pastrana
David Holbrook Platts
Dario Molina Rodriguez
Ariana Sinudom
Kyle Spear
Emily Spencer
Paul Stiber
Katherine Thames
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