The Budget & Allocations Committee, with four voting members, approved $5,081 in travel requests in the first committee meeting of the summer semester.
The UNF Grappling Club was granted $818 to send three students to compete at the World Jiu-Jitsu IBJJF Championship in Long Beach, California June 1-5. Stuart Maddox, Iuri Lúcius and Sara Monzeglio would represent UNF at the tournament, which is the highest level of amateur Jiu-Jitsu competition in the nation. Maddox spoke on behalf of the club.
“There are thousands of competitors. It’s an excellent chance for us to represent the school,” Maddox said.
Next, four members of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) were approved for $1,763 to attend Terminus Film Festival in Atlanta. Terminus is a film, television, and gaming conference held June 16-19.
Members of the MSA will screen a short film “I seek refuge” about Syrian migrant crisis at the festival, since they finished in the top four at Campus Movie Fest in March. The winner at the Terminus festival has a chance to go to the world-renowned Cannes Film Festival.
“We wanted to raise awareness about something we felt passionate about,” Daniya Sayed said. “We wanted to show a different perspective than the one you see on the media.”
On an international note, the B&A Committee approved $500 for neuroscience major Natasha DeMeo to attend the International Conference on Memory in Budapest, Hungary. DeMeo, a biology and neuroscience major, will present UNF research on the concept of false memory at the conference.
DeMeo spent over a year on the research with Dr. Michael Toglia, who will also attend the conference that lasts from July 17-22. She has a funding page on Crowdrise to cover costs associated with the trip.
Osprey Alpha, a statistics club, was approved $2,000 to send five students to the 2016 Joint Statistical Meeting in Chicago from July 30 to August 5.
The Government Oversight Committee sent the following appointees to the Senate:
Emily Wood, Director of Osprey Productions
Dawn Dragone, Assistant Director of Lend-A-Wing Pantry
Cassidy Keefe, Associate Justice
Benjamin Myers, Senator
The Constitution and Statutes Committee enacted changes that clarified the language of the constitution, which will be forwarded to the senate. The University & Student Affairs Committee did not reach quorum, with two of four members present.
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