*Correction: An earlier version of this story stated the cost of 25 free prints per student is $36,600. The story has been updated to reflect the accurate amount of $33,600.
At the July 20 Senate meeting, Student Government (SG) announced that the 25 free prints initiative is returning for the fall 2016 semester.
“I’m excited about all the things this will do for the student body,” SG Project Manager Rachel Bryant said. “Printing can be very expensive.”
SG stated that the cost to support 25 free prints per student is $33,600, though that figure is subject to change.
The $33,600 figure comes from calculating what it would cost if every student used all 25 free prints. Bryant said the estimated enrollment (16,000) was “very high,” and leftover money from students that don’t use the service gets swept back into the special request fund.
The amount put back into the account decreased over the past three years, meaning more students have used the service.
“Many students, even those who live on campus, don’t have access to a printer,” Bryant said. “UNF’s printing services was possibly the only way many students pay to print papers, assignments or extracurricular activities.”
A free print lab was an option, but it proved too costly. Bryant said SG would have to hire student assistants to watch over lab because of abuse.
SG will load $2.10 directly onto every student’s Osprey One Card to print at the library at a cost of $.084 per copy. Students can expect the funds for the fall semester.
Student Health Services
The Senate passed a bill to send results from the survey—where 1,176 students polled (81 percent) opposed a potential off-campus move of Student Health Services (SHS)—to the selection committee, President John Delaney and Vice President for Student and International Affairs, Dr. Mauricio Gonzales.
The university has issued an Intent to Negotiate (ITN) to third-party healthcare providers to possibly outsource Student Health Services off-campus.
Senate President Dallas Burke stressed the accessibility, affordability and confidentiality that SHS provides that third-party healthcare providers may not be able to supply. Before the bill passed 15-2-0, he said SG had to show the will of the students to those considering the decision.
“The opinion of the student body definitely needs to be forwarded to the ITN committee,” Burke said.
Students pay $2.99 per credit hour toward SHS. Student Health Services offers X-Rays, prescriptions, immunizations, STD testing and pregnancy testing at a limited cost.
SG President Caleb Grantham said Vice President Bella Genta will be a member on the ITN selection committee.
Early in the meeting, the Senate was greeted by guest speaker Doreen Perez, the director of SHS.
“What you expect from your doctors offices at home, we can provide you here on campus,” Perez said. “We have an urgent care clinic doctors, nurse practitioners, lab technicians and radiology technicians.”
Perez mentioned a diabetic student who was 150 pounds overweight who came to SHS, seeking to change. Nurses worked with him to lose weight and improve his eating habits. At the end of it, the student lost 90 pounds.
“Our mission statement says we are here to advance the quality of health in order to support the students academic performance and retention,” Perez said. “We’re here to make sure you’re not in a doctor’s office for five hours.”
She spoke to the origin of SHS and the numerous services they provide.
“I’ve been here for 29 years. This was a little first-aid station in building 10—now we are a 9,000-square-foot state-of-the-art student health center. I’ve done consultations with other campuses and student health is a good place to go for health care.”
The following appointments were confirmed by the Senate:
Desiree Miller – Senator
Bailey Adams- Senator
Will Grinold- Senator
Ashley Ashe- External Assistant Director of Osprey Productions
The Senate reconvenes Aug. 22 at 6:30 p.m.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.