Student Government elections start today. With voting available at the Student Union, library and online here, Spinnaker put together information you need to know before you go out and vote.
Students can choose who they would like for President and Vice President; Samantha Mims and Tajmaus Johnson, of the Red Party, or Rachel Bryant and Jesse Braughton, of the United Party.
The Red Party platform:
- Greek housing feasibility study
- Student rewards program
- Advocating for increased bright futures funding
- Lobbying for a change in the excess hours surcharge
- More rentals and checkouts at Eco Adventure
- Farmers market time
- Bus stop at the library
- One Nest – diversity and inclusion program
- Increased campus lighting
The United Party platform:
- Open textbooks
- Free legal counsel
- Department ambassadors
- Refrigerators for LAW
- More counselors in the counseling center
- Free tampons
Also on the ballot are 34 senators running for 20 seats. 18 senators are from the United Party, 16 senators are from the Red Party, and one senator has no party affiliation. Both the United Party and the Red Party put up profiles for each senator on their respective Facebook pages.
There will be one issue on the ballot for students to vote on: fossil fuels. Students will be asked if they support, oppose or are neutral to the UNF Foundation investing in fossil fuels.
The UNF Foundation is a nonprofit tax-exempt organization that provides funding for the University to achieve its goals, such as enhancing current programs or creating new ones. It fills the gaps when state allocations are not adequate.
Students can vote at the Student Union or at the library between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. for both March 7 and 8. Students can also vote online through myWings.
A total of 600 T-shirts will be given away at the physical voting sites for students who decide to vote.
A sample ballot can be accessed here.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.