Lend-a-Wing Pantry gets a $66,000 SG boost to help students
November 14, 2017

On Nov. 13, Student Body President Thomas Beaucham signed a legislation detailing a request for $66,000 made by the Lend-a-Wing Pantry. The signing of the bill took place at the pantry during closed hours to protect students’ identity, as the event was filmed. Originally, the legislation was approved by the Budget and Allocations (B&A) Committee on Oct. 20.
The signing officially finalized the approval of the funding request, which goes towards Lend-a-Wing’s future growth. Upon the completion of renovations, more food and a larger variety of food will be available, making it possible to help more students.
The completion of the renovations is something President Beaucham is passionate about. Lend-a-Wing Pantry’s Assistant Director Sara Yuen also said the renovations will make the pantry more welcoming and efficient.
The Lend-a-Wing Pantry is an anonymous organization run by students, which can be found on the first floor of Bld. 53, Hicks Hall. The pantry was first established in 2012, and has since then c

hanged the lives of students by helping them combat food insecurity. Food and supplies are taken in from multiple locations, and one of them is right on campus at UNF’s Ogier Gardens.
Students can visit the pantry Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., and walk away with up to six pounds of food and other supplies daily.
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