Elected president, vice president, senators sworn in at Senate meeting

Tristan Reyes

On March 30th, 2018, the confirmations of the elected senators and Student Body President Jenna DuPilka and Vice President Maria Bermudez were sworn in at UNF’s Senate Chambers.

Before the Student Government Senate meeting on March 30, the last Budget and Allocations meeting was held. Treasurer Christopher Jordan used his time to give a farewell speech to the Committee.

“I think that we have made some very positive changes to the campus community. I cannot thank you enough for your part in the student body and those people being here next year, I encourage you to use the experience you have to spread your wings, apply for positions, take educative roles, and most importantly don’t forget the most important, the student body,” said Jordan.

After that George Faklis discussed the Committee’s fund balance report. Their current special request index is $66,670.83 and the Travel Request Index is $6,953.54.

The committee approved to fund students’ travel to Atlanta, GA for Campus Moviefest’s Terminus Conference & Festival. The students wish to use their experience with UNF’s film courses for the movie they will be presenting. If the president approves, the Travel Request Index will be $5453.63.

During the Senate meeting, Elections Commissioner Aesha Soliman gave her thanks to the student body. In fact, the other branches gave their thanks as well. Jordan, who was present at this meeting as well, gave another farewell speech for the new senators.

“This journey that you’re about to embark on is incredibly important and if you’re open-minded, it’s important to take educated risks, it’s important to not be afraid of failure, but learn from it and I think if you can internalize these three points of advice and allow your wings to spread, there is no limit to the height that this institution can take you to,” said Jordan.

President Thomas Beaucham gave words of advice to the upcoming new senators.

“You notice being here is special, this place is special,” said Beaucham. “You should feel that this place has some sort of energy to it that is going to compel you to whatever venture, or industries you pursue. You choosing to be in this place is in itself an accomplishment because a lot of people aren’t that daring and I wish more people were.”

The Legislative Branch also gave their thanks and farewells to Nina Lee giving her own speech saying that the student body is here to empower each-other and work together.

“The most effective way to impact any community is to empower its members,” Lee said.

Before the confirmation of the senators and the executive branch, the Student Union Event Planning Associate, Brock Ertel then gave a presentation to appeal for the Student Union Game Room’s budget. In order to make the Game Room more recreational for the students, the budget of $61,825.48 was decided on to cover new games, computers, furniture, and possible carpet replacements. The bill was approved unanimously as a senator joined later on.

After confirmations, the Senate was open for nominations for the Legislative Cabinet. Thomas Pluchon was nominated for Senate President. Senator Sonia Vargas was nominated for Senate President Pro Tempore. Julia McComb was nominated for the Budget & Allocations Committee Chair. For University & Student Affairs Committee Chair both Senator Damaris Wambui and Senator Delaney Kwatkosky were nominated. Finally for the Government Oversight Committee Chair, is Senator Patrick Healy. The final nominations will occur on April 6, during the last Senate meeting.

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