Sit-down with new Student Body President Jenna DuPilka

Colin McCann

Things continue to develop in the executive branch as Student Body President Jenna DuPilka and Vice President Maria Bermudez settle into their new positions.

DuPilka, who was a senator during the spring of 2017 and then the Vice Chairman on the Constitution and Statutes Committee (CSC) during the fall, said one of her goals is to make sure departments are spending the money they are getting from students.

Colin McCann
Student Body President Jenna DuPilka

DuPilka also wants to create better transparency, saying, “Getting Student Government back on the map and letting students know what we do is a priority.”

Increasing SG presence on social media is another goal of DuPilkas.

Bermudez, who became a senator and a member of the Government Oversight (GO) Committee in the spring of 2017, then joined the CSC during elections. Bermudez was required to leave GO, as you cannot simultaneously be involved in GO and run in elections.

Like DuPilka, Bermudez also believes getting better connected to the students is important.

“One of the biggest things I heard while campaigning is that [students] felt like they don’t even know what SG does,” said Bermudez. “I think we should really get out there and show them what we’re doing, how they can get involved, and how to contact us.”

Bermudez and DuPilka are also in the process of finding people for agency and executive positions.

“It’s pretty much a two-man team up here in the executive branch,” said Bermudez.

“Getting a staff right now is our biggest obstacle, and hiring a treasurer and an attorney general is our main goal to be in compliance with the constitution,” said Dupilka.

According to Bermudez, they are also trying to find summer staff for Lend-a-Wing, as the organization continues to serve students after spring classes come to an end.  

When asked what they are most excited about, DuPilka said she was looking forward to getting the syllabus bank initiative put in place for incoming freshmen.

”I think seeing the first initiative completed would be super rewarding,” said Bermudez.

Bermudez then explained that they are currently in the process of deciding the next steps to take regarding initiatives, taking into consideration funding and time-frames.

Colin McCann
Student Body Vice President Maria Bermudez

According to DuPilka, it may take a couple years for the WiFi improvements and mobile Osprey1Card initiative to be completed. However, she is glad to be a part of getting the ball rolling, even if she won’t be able to see it become a reality.

DuPilka and Bermudez both said they hope to continue programs and events like mental health awareness week, community swoop, and providing something for students during finals week.

Bermudez went into further detail, explaining that they are looking into the possibility of a Starbucks tab during finals, which will give the first 200 people a free tall drink.

Additionally, DuPilka hopes to get hygiene vending machines placed through the school. She said, “We already provide these resources, so why not get it out there to the students.”  

“I think Jenna and I are definitely dedicated, and we always try to remind ourselves why we’re here and what we’re doing,” said Bermudez.

Dupilka encourages students to come talk to them, and let them know if there are any events they should attend.

If you want to get to know Bermudez and Dupilka better, stop by the Student Union during Market Day on April 11. Students can enjoy free donuts and learn more about the available positions in SG.

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