President Delaney addresses the exit of UNF vice presidents
May 3, 2018
UNF President John Delaney issued a statement Thursday, May 3 addressing the changes of leadership accompanying his retirement from UNF.
According to Delaney, UNF vice presidents Rachelle Gottlieb and Janet Owen have both accepted employment opportunities that will lead them to positions outside of the University.
Gottlieb, Vice President of Human Resources, has reportedly accepted a position as the Vice President of Human Relations at a Florida Blue affiliate and will leave the University after this week. Chief of Staff Tom Serwatka will oversee the Office of Human Resources in her stead.
On the other hand, Owen, Vice President of Government and Community Relations, will be starting a new position with the University of Central Florida. She will officially leave UNF on Thursday, May 31. Chris Warren, the current director of Government and Community Relations, will reportedly assume her responsibilities.
Whether Warren or Serwatka will remain in these positions is yet to be seen as Szymanski, the new UNF president, will have final say on whether or not the University will seek new vice presidents or alter the positions when he takes office.
“While these moves are the University’s great loss, they’re otherwise happy moves for Rachelle and Janet,” Delaney said. “Both are professionals, dear friends and terrific people.”

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