Keepin’ cool for the summer: Easy drink recipes
May 20, 2018
Disclaimer: Spinnaker does not endorse underage drinking. Please drink responsibly.

Assuming you aren’t one of the unfortunate souls still trapped in a classroom, for the time being, Summer Break is the blessed few months students have to kick back and refresh themselves before the next semester swoops in to put noses back on the grindstone.
So whether you’re looking for something strong to help you recover from the past academic year or you’re just craving something a little sweet and alcohol-free for the hot days to come, we’ve got you covered.
So take this opportunity to take a deep breath in. Good, now breathe out. And maybe have a drink or two.
If you liked this article, keep an eye out for Spinnaker TV’s newest series coming to Youtube, “I’ll Drink To That.”
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