LGBT Resource Center’s take on Supreme Court’s decision of Colorado baker

Carly Kramer, Video Director

Entry to the LGBT Resource Center. Photo by Tiffany Butler.

On Monday, June 4 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Colorado baker Jack Phillips can refuse to bake a customized cake for a same-sex wedding. The ruling was made as a result of certain religious restrictions and to  the discrimination against Phillips in the original Colorado trial.

“Still, the delicate question of when the free exercise of his religion must yield to an otherwise valid exercise of state power needed to be determined in an adjudication in which religious hostility on the part of the State itself would not be a factor in the balance the State sought to reach,” the Justice Anthony Kennedy said in his Opinion of the Court. “That requirement, however, was not met here. When the Colorado Civil Rights Commission considered this case, it did not do so with the religious neutrality that the Constitution requires.”

The Court ruled by a 7-2 vote. Kennedy says that the Colorado law should remain neutral to religion in general.

Phillips defended his position as a business owner and a religious individual, according to National Public Radio.

“I don’t believe that Jesus would have made a cake if he had been a baker,” Phillips stated. “I’m not judging these two gay men, I’m just trying to preserve my right as an artist to decide which artistic endeavors I’m going to do and which ones I’m not.”

Dwan Love, the program coordinator of the LGBT Resource Center, told Spinnaker she is speechless albeit not surprised based on the current administration in the U.S.

Dwan Love is the Program Coordinator of the LGBT Center. Photo courtesy of UNF.

“The ruling was tailored to the case,” Love said. “They’re not justifying discrimination.”

With the knowledge she has of the case thus far, Love believes that more information is needed. However, Love is upset with the decision.

“At UNF, we are protective of our staff and students,” Love said. “It’s surprising and sad. The fight continues and doesn’t strip us of marriage equality. We will continue the fight.”

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