Police Beat: Drug arrest and damaged/burglarized vehicles
June 9, 2018

New Paint Job
UNFPD was dispatched to the UNF Flat on June 1 in response to a report of a damaged vehicle.
Upon arrival, the complainant told officials she had seen a cement truck laying a concrete slab near her residential building where her vehicle was parked at approximately 2:00 p.m on May 25.
The police report states the complainant did not drive her car until June 1, when she noticed several “splashes” of what appeared to be cement stuck to the paint on her vehicle’s hood and front right fender.
According to the report, the dispatched official could confirm the appearance of the claimed cement splashes on the vehicle’s exterior, which reportedly could cause damage to the paint job upon removal.
The complainant proceeded to show the officer where she had witnessed the cement being lain, and the officer reportedly found additional cement splashes on the nearby electrical box and on the ground.
The police report states the complainant has called UNFPD in order to report for insurance purposes.
Patrol efforts have been concluded.
Smoked and Detected
A UNF student was arrested by UNFPD on June 5 for the obstruction of fire extinguishing equipment as well as possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
Officials were dispatched to meet with a complainant on Osprey Ridge Road when reports of a drug complaint were received.
According to the police report, officials met with the suspect upon arrival and he allowed officials to enter his room. The scent of marijuana was reportedly evident in the air and, while talking to the suspect, the report states officials observed a plastic bag of marijuana within a paper bag on the suspect’s desk.
Officials reportedly proceeded to ask the suspect if he had additional drugs in the room as well as inquire about the contents of a yellow jar on the desk. The suspect told officials marijuana was in the jar and then gave them verbal permission to search the room.
The police report states officials removed the lid of the jar and found marijuana, to which the suspect reportedly said it was less than seven grams and that he also had a pipe in a nearby black case. Upon opening the black case, officials reportedly confirmed the suspect’s possession of a pipe as well as residue within the case and rolling papers.
According to the report, officials also observed a plastic Walmart bag covering the smoke detector of the room. the suspect told officials he had covered up the smoke detector because he regularly smokes nicotine and did not want to set it off. The plastic bag was reportedly removed and placed into evidence.
The suspect was reportedly taken into custody and the paraphernalia was taken with the plastic bag as evidence.
Car Burglary #1
UNFPD was dispatched to Lot 100 on June 5 in response to a report of a possible auto-burglary.
According to the police report, officials discovered upon arrival that an unknown suspect attempted to gain entry to the vehicle in question by damaging the driver’s side door lock.
The police report states the vehicle was not processed due to the victim disturbing the area in his attempt to gain access to his car. He reportedly was not aware someone had punched the lock in an attempt to gain entry.
Patrol efforts were suspended due to lack of witness and photographic evidence.
Car Burglary #2
UNFPD was dispatched to Lot 100 on June 5 in response to a report of a second possible auto-burglary.
The police report states an unknown suspect attempted to enter the vehicle in the same manner as the first vehicle: by damaging the key lock on the driver’s side.
The victim told officials he had parked his car and left it in Lot 100 around 8:00 a.m., during which time there was no damage to the lock.
The police report states there were no available witnesses or photographic evidence, though officials successfully lifted latent fingerprints off of the driver’s side front door. The fingerprints have reportedly been sent for examination.
Patrol efforts have been suspended.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.