UNF ranks among top 2018 LGBTQ-friendly online colleges
June 25, 2018
National Pride Month has been in full swing. Not only has the UNF LGBT Resource Center been an invaluable resource to students and the community, but UNF itself has proven to be one of the more prominent LGBTQ-friendly colleges in the country.
UNF was most recently ranked among the top 2018 LGBTQ-friendly online colleges with an overall campus pride index score of 4.0 out of a possible 5.
In order to be a top LGBTQ-friendly online college, the SR Education Group, an education research publishing company, considers two components: the affordability of LGBTQ-friendly online colleges, as well as the institution’s overall pride index score.
A college must rank as a 4.0 or higher on a pride index that ranks colleges based on eight LGBTQ factors, including policy inclusion, support and institutional commitment, academic life, student life, housing, campus safety, counseling and health, and recruitment and retention efforts.
The top colleges were determined by incorporating data collected by Campus Pride, a nonprofit organization that reportedly generates national standards and assessment tools for LGBTQ-friendly institutions of higher education, including the pride index.
Students can find out more about these rankings by reading the official press release.
A full list of top 2018 LGBTQ-friendly and affordable online colleges can also be found here.
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