UNF Constitution Week breakdown and overview
September 18, 2018

To commemorate the 231st anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, UNF is celebrating with Constitution Week from Sept. 17 through Sept. 21. Here is a breakdown of the free events you can participate in.
Tuesday, Sept. 18:
Civil Liberties in the November Election
Join local American Civil Liberties Union Representative Samir Gupte to discuss the impactful initiatives on the upcoming November ballot. The discussion starts at 6 p.m. and will last until 7:30 p.m in Bldg. 9, Rm 1421
Wednesday, Sept. 19:
Market Days voter registration drive, sponsored by Student Government
Not registered to vote yet? You can change that by stopping by Market Days at the John A. Delaney Student Union between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to take part in a voter registration drive. SG is partnering with the Duval County Supervisor of Elections to host these registration drives every Wednesday until Oct. 3.
“Answering the Call: The American Struggle for the Right to Vote”
Osprey Productions, in collaboration with the Thomas G. Carpenter Library, will be showing a voting rights documentary film by Brian Jenkins. The showings will be at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. at the Student Union auditorium, Bldg. 58W, Rm 2704. Following the 7 p.m. show will be a discussion moderated by Albert Dorsey, a visiting assistant professor of history whose research interests include the civil rights movement and African American history. Refreshments will be provided, courtesy of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library.
Thursday, Sept. 20:
Civic Engagement: Putting the “d” Back into Democracy
ACLU Representative Samir Gupte is back at UNF, this time to hold a roundtable discussion featuring questions such as, “How do you develop and articulate your position?” and “How do you find out who can influence your desired change and then influence them to make it happen?” You can take part in the discussion by going to the Writing Center, Bldg. 4, Rm 2501 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Florida Amendment 4
From 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., join the Southern Poverty Law Center as they review the history of and discuss the impact of Florida Amendment 4, restoring voting rights to felons. The event will be in the Student Government Courtroom, Bldg. 58E, Rm 3300.
Friday, Sept. 21: 3 C’s:
Coffee, Cookies, and the Constitution
Give a fond farewell to UNF’s Constitution Week by grabbing some coffee and cookies, as well as a free pocket-sized copy of the Constitution outside of Bldg.2, near Peace Plaza from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. This is sponsored by the Department of Diversity Initiatives
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