FSCJ closes campus in response to Hurricane Michael
October 10, 2018
Despite the fact Hurricane Michael is forecast to track north of Jacksonville and through Georgia, Florida State College at Jacksonville announced their decision to close the college in expectation of inclement weather on Wednesday, Oct. 10.
“Due to the threat of worsening weather conditions with the outer bands of Hurricane Michael, we have determined to cancel all classes and close all FSCJ campuses and centers TODAY, October 10, 2018 at 4 p.m.,” the update said. “A decision about reopening tomorrow will be announced by 6 a.m. tomorrow morning, October 11.”

The University of North Florida is currently operating as normal. Heavier rain and potential tornado watches are expected as Hurricane Michael progresses over the state of Florida.
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Angry student • Oct 10, 2018 at 4:36 pm
I think it’s ridiculous that I’m driving through a hurricane warning to get to class right now and that possible tropical storm conditions are possible and I am expected to act like nothing is happening and get to school. My JOB has closed for the inclamate weather, why won’t my school provide the same safety efforts as those around them?
Suzie Q • Oct 10, 2018 at 12:55 pm
I don’t understand how UNF can keep open when a category 4 hurricane is forecasted to hit north Florida. In honesty, they don’t know where the hurricane is going to go, it’s just a prediction.
It’s ridiculous that you’re putting our lives in danger and you know that we could have families in the pan handle. Shame.