Police beat: marijuana and stolen clothes
November 18, 2018
Caught drug-handed
On Monday, Oct. 22, a UNFPD officer saw a student throw a blunt down onto the floor, according to a UNFPD report.
The student reportedly admitted to smoking marijuana to the officer. The student was searched and the officer found marijuana in a blunt in his right pocket.
The student was given a notice to appear in court.
The laundry thief
A student at the landing was reportedly washing her clothes on Tuesday, Oct. 23. When she returned to get her clothes from the dryer she found them missing, according to a UNFPD report.
The officer reportedly searched the area for the laundry with no luck of finding the clothes.
Patrol efforts were suspended due to lack of evidence.
From the comfort of a dorm
While doing rounds on Nov. 5, two RAs reportedly smelt the odor of burnt marijuana coming from a dorm room according to a UNFPD report.
When UNFPD entered the room, they found marijuana and paraphernalia.
The student was given a notice to appear in court.
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