“Saturday Night Live” veterans to visit UNF
February 5, 2019
On February 15, Saturday Night Live veterans Nasim Pedrad and Jay Pharoah will bring a show to UNF as part of an Osprey Productions event.
Students can attend for free with their Osprey1card, while non-students can attend for $30 and alumni can attend for $25 with a discount code. Large bags are prohibited and small bags will be checked.

This event will be an installment of OSPREYWORLD comedy acts from Osprey Productions that will take place during Homecoming week.
Jay Pharoah is a comedian famous for celebrity impersonations. After joining the SNL cast, he was part of the show for six years.
Nasim Pedrad is an actress and comedian and was part of the SNL cast for five years. She also has an upcoming role in Disney’s live-action film Aladdin.
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