Police beat: Student arrested in midst of Arena Garage reported threat

Heydi Ortiz, Police Reporter

Monday night chaos surrounded the Student Union as helicopters hovered over worried heads and police blocked entry to and began to search the Arena Garage in response to a possible armed individual.

In the midst of the chaos, police arrested a student attempting to gain entry to the parking garage. According to police, the officer told the student he could not access his car due to an ongoing search of an armed individual in the area.

Shortly after, the individual returned aggressively yelling that his manager didn’t care about the situation and that he needed to be on his way to work. The report states that the officers advised the student it was not safe and to vacate the area.

The report then states that the student started to clench his fists and teeth and continued to yell that he needed to get to work. The student then reportedly entered the garage and had to be taken into custody with the use of force by two officers.

The student was charged with resisting an officer without violence but the judge withheld adjudication. He was released on Feb. 12 and has been referred to student conduct.


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