UNF responds to a letter from the Students for a Democratic Society

Lianna Norman, News Editor

The Students for a Democratic Society have been anything but quiet on UNF campus. Their latest rally immediately followed an unanswered letter sent to the office of President David Szymanski, regarding the newly-inaugurated president’s plan on tackling immigration-sensitive issues, such as how to handle DACA students.

The members of SDS marched into and occupied the president’s office on Feb. 19 in order to demand that UNF be declared a sanctuary campus and increase resources for DACA students. Tuesday morning, exactly three weeks later, an Osprey Update released a message from the university in regards to the “National Conversation Surrounding Immigration.”

“As a public institution, UNF will comply with any state or federal law,” the update said.

The update addressed state and federal laws in relation to DACA, privacy rights, immigration law enforcement, and confidential counseling.

“As a public institution receiving state and federal revenue, we don’t have authority to declare the University as a whole or any location as a ‘sanctuary’ from immigration or other federal or state law,” the update stated.

Spinnaker reached out to SDS for a comment on the President’s response.

“SDS acknowledges the administration’s response to our demand letter,” according to a representative of SDS. “We understand that there is much more that still needs to be done to keep undocumented students on campus safe. We will keep working until all students on campus feel protected and safe.”

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