UNF students revisit their childhood with Shrek Fest
April 8, 2019
“Shrek and Donkey, on another whirlwind adventure!” This is just one of the best-known quotes from the classic kid movie Shrek. UNF hosted a Shrek Fest event on Wednesday in the Osprey Landing area as a celebration for the students to come out, relax, and take a trip back to their childhoods.
The event held fun-filled activities such as pin the tail on the donkey and an onion eating contest. Tons of students showed up to watch Shrek and enjoy the many snacks and activities. Cookies, drinks, and dirt cups were just some of the goodies for people to enjoy. Some students expressed how they always enjoyed the movie and wanted to get out of the dorms to do something fun.

“I’m a big fan of Shrek and I just wanted to get out of the dorm because there isn’t much to do inside,” said Emily Breeden, a sociology major.
With the semester coming to an end, the event was a great way for students to relax and de-stress after the craziness they may have experienced with schoolwork. Shrek filled them with laughter, and students joked with each other about some of their favorite scenes from the movie. The plot is also relatable for some college students, as the main characters go out of their comfort zone and into new situations because they know they will accomplish their goal. In that way, Shrek can help students who may be nervous about going into the real world after college stay positive, knowing there will be ups and downs. After the film was over, students left the event full of laughter and joy, ready to go on a whirlwind adventure of their own.
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