UNF Women’s Center hosts Walk In a Woman’s Shoes

Heydi Ortiz, Police Reporter

Men strutted their stuff in high heels on Tuesday in the Osprey Plaza, in an attempt to support and understand trials and challenges faced by women. The Walk in a Woman’s Shoes event, hosted by the Women’s Center, aimed to help others understand the experiences, challenges and thought processes of others and to raise awareness about sexual assault and violence.

Statistics such as “Nearly two-thirds of college students experience sexual harassment,” and “Rape is the most underreported crime” were displayed on signs located near the booth that gave students context to the event.

At the event students were able to walk in heels, take photos and were given free food and drinks in exchange for their time.

Not only did the event touch on sexual assault and violence, it also brought up controversial issues that surround US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ proposed changes to Title IX. The change also requires victims to face their alleged perpetrator in a mandatory live hearing with an attorney present.

Title IX narrows the definition of sexual harassment and stops universities from investigating incidents that happen off campus.

“Title IX uncovers a multitude of areas, it’s like the federal legislation’s way of telling the campus how to address issues with sexual misconduct, stalking harassment, things like that,” said Lesley Ann Vickerie, a first-year social work graduate student.

Vickerie encourages students to educate themselves about their rights regarding Title IX, and its role in protecting survivors of sexual assault.

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