Housing and Residence Life update: COVID-19 housing request and possible refunds
March 18, 2020
The University of North Florida has sent out an email regarding the university’s plan on how to deal with on-campus students who were asked to leave their dorms and relocate. The email answered many questions that arose regarding students who were unable to return home.
“UNF is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our students and mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on our community. Therefore, we strongly encourage all students currently still living in university housing to return to their permanent home residences or a non-campus alternative housing arrangement, for the remainder of the semester, if possible. Although the campus will remain open, on-campus services – including dining options – will become much more limited over time,” said the email.
According to the Housing and Residence Life update, students who are unable to return home must visit their MyHousing Portal where they will find a “COVID-19 Request for Housing Information” section. After filling out the request, students who plan to live on campus for the rest of the semester must wait to find out if their request has been approved.

This came as a relief to students which led to a high amount of students on the MyHousing website.
The request specified that only students with extenuating circumstances will get their requests approved. Students who get their requests approved may need to relocate to a different housing area in the near future.
The update also touched on another question on student’s minds:
Will students get refunds for housing and meal plan payments?
Although it is unclear whether or not refunds will happen, according to the email, state universities are working with the Florida Board of Governors to determine options regarding refunds for housing and meal plans.
Spinnaker will keep you updated as more information unfolds.
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