UNF names new Coggin College of Business Dean
May 6, 2020
On May 6, the University of North Florida named Dr. Richard Buttimer Jr. as dean of the Coggin College of Business. His first day as dean will be June 27, 2020. Dr. Buttimer succeeds Dr. Mark Dawkins.

“Dr. Buttimer will be a great addition to the University and will be instrumental in leading Coggin College and advancing UNF’s partnership with the Jacksonville and Northeast Florida business community and beyond,” said UNF President David Szymanski in a UNF press release announcing Buttimer’s appointment. “We are excited to see how his experience and leadership will propel the college to further success.”
Buttimer was not previously an Osprey. Prior to being named dean, Buttimer served as the director of the Childress Klein Center for Real Estate and the John Crosland, Sr. Distinguished Professor in the Department of Finance in the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
He has previous experience as interim senior associate dean for the Belk College and served as the full-time senior associate dean from 2011 through 2017, according to the UNF press release.
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