UNF’s Solidarity Party
September 23, 2020
Nathan Turoff, Student Government Reporter
There’s a new Political Party among UNF’s election scene – the Solidarity Party. With the tagline of “Transparency, representation, and results,” the party is dedicated to a Student Government for the students.
Party Co-chair Miranda Bird sat down for an interview with Spinnaker, where she gave more insight into the party’s goals and ideals. She explained how the idea for the party had been around for a while, but was unable to officially materialize until the official start of the election season.

Bird spoke about how the party was created as a result of several undesirable things happening in Student Government, and how few students were included in decision making. They want to bridge the gap between Student Government and the students, to create a more representative and inclusive campus environment.
Their primary goal is to make a more transparent Student Government, with Town Halls, reaching out to many different campus groups, and increasing diversity by visiting more high schools. They want more students to have access to the University’s resources, and subsequently give the students the drive to show up.
The co-chair was very displeased with the distribution of majors in Student Government, with the solid majority of the Student Government being composed of political science majors. She said how she wanted more equal distribution among the different majors. She wants people to get involved in Student Government, who may not want to at first glance. “We want people who are representing every aspect of campus life,” says Bird.
The Solidarity Party is not seeking a majority of Senate seats in the fall election, but they want to avoid a one-party system, they want each party to have an equal representation of senate seats, around 6 to 8 per party. It looks like a very interesting election season is coming up here at UNF.
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