UNF’s Ignite Party
October 1, 2020
Its election season here at UNF, and the Senate campaigns are in full swing. There are two parties competing for senate seats, and both seek to make life better for all students. Last week, Spinnaker sat down with the co-chair of the Solidarity Party. As a crucial follow-up, Spinnaker met with the Co-chairs of UNF’s other political party this season, the Ignite Party.
Current Senate President Rachel Saunders and Emily Echevarria are the Co-chairs of the Ignite Party. Spinnaker held an interview with them in which they discussed the origins of their party, their goals for this election and beyond, and shared some of their initiatives.

Much like the Solidarity Party, the Ignite party is also new to the UNF political landscape, having only officially started this semester. They currently have between ten and fifteen people running for Senate.
The Ignite Party is all about promoting a campus that is “Safe, Inclusive, and Fun.” One of their big goals is to increase student participation in Student Government. They believe that every Senate seat should be filled, and the students should have more say in who is representing them.
The Co-chairs also stressed the importance of having contested elections, or elections when more than one person is running for office. “It’s very important that students have options for who to select,” Echevarria says. They had noticed a pattern of how the last few elections have been uncontested, such as the recent SG Presidential election. They’re advocating for far more students being involved in Student Government.
“Senate is a perfect avenue to make change in Student Government,” says Saunders.
The Ignite Party has a wide range of initiatives they plan to pursue, including but not limited to:
- Creating a “Council for Diversity”
- Giving out scholarships to the local Jacksonville community
- Renovations to the Boathouse
- Increased campus lighting
- More blue emergency lights
- Improving the party plaza
- Better mental health services
- And many more
The Ignite Party is all about more transparency in Student Government, more sustainability in its practices, and a safer environment for students. This election cycle is sure to be an interesting one, so Spinnaker will keep you updated.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.