What’s next with UNF SG elections?
March 26, 2021
Student Government elections concluded over two weeks ago and it may appear that little has gone on beyond that. On the contrary, much has changed. Unofficial election results were released that evening and listed the unofficial Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, as well as numerous elected senators.
These results are neither legitimate nor finalized. Student Government is currently working to resolve the numerous judicial complaints that come hand in hand with elections.
To resolve such complaints, as outlined by the Office of Elections Policies and Procedures, they must be first sent to the Elections Commissioner to determine if they have merit. They will then send them to the Supreme Court who ultimately settle any remaining disputes.
Following the resolution of all complaints, finalized results will be released and each elected official will begin their term. The process is lengthy and time-consuming, but the Supreme Court is devoting all its time to resolving each complaint in a fair and timely manner. As of writing, the hearings are due to start next week. Once completed, the results will be finalized and considered official.
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