‘Take Back the Night’ returns in-person
October 19, 2021
“Take Back the Night” returns to UNF in support of Domestic Violence Awareness month. Hosted by the UNF Alpha Chi Omega women’s fraternity, of which the author is a member, the event is a walk and candlelight vigil taking place Wed., Oct. 20, at 7:00 pm.
The event will start at the Green and participants will walk to the Osprey Plaza where the ceremony will be held. The event is open to all students, faculty, staff, and the public that would like to join. The walk helps to signify the unity of those who would like to honor those who have been impacted by interpersonal violence and for those who have been lost.

There will also be a Domestic Violence Awareness Month Market Day on the same day as the event from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Anyone that is interested can stop by to learn more about the history of Take Back the Night, the resources that are available for those that are affected by domestic violence, and more. There will be community and campus partners there as well for people to get more information.
The Women’s Center asks that participants wear purple or the free Take Back the Night shirts that will be available at the Market Day in the Osprey Plaza the same Wednesday as the event.
Take Back the Night is a foundation and the earliest effort worldwide to work against sexual violence and domestic violence. Learn more on their website that can be found here. Take Back the Night events have been held by communities and colleges across the world.
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