SG shares Sep. Osprey Voice results

Julia Croston, Government Reporter

In their Sep. Osprey Voice survey, Student Government (SG) asked for student input on the usage of the new Competition Pool Complex in collaboration with the UNF Department of Recreation and Wellness to field student feedback. 

Overall, 564 students responded to the survey. When compared to past surveys, student participation saw an increase. The Feb. Osprey Voice received only 215 student responses. This semester, tabling and other marketing tactics have proven to be effective to gain more student responses. 

For demographics, year level was spread somewhat evenly with 34.30% freshman, 17.69% sophomores, 24.37% juniors, and 19.31% seniors. The survey also received 4.51% responses from graduate students. Most students who responded live off-campus with 45.68% on campus. 

 When asked about pool usage, students prefer Friday and Saturday for the pool to be open for students. For preferred time, the afternoon was the most preferable with 41.63% of the vote followed closely by the evening with 35.92%. Only 33.60% plan on using the pool to swim laps. 53.36% of students plan to use the pool to lounge and relax. A small 6.72% would use the pool as a study space. 

 When asked about potential pool equipment, one student responded: “Noodles, fins, water volleyball net, volleyballs, extra goggles, water jog belts, maybe water dumbbells if you plan to have water aerobics.” The other student suggestions shared similar ideas with most students requesting pool noodles. 

Ozzie poses with the new pool. (Nathan Turoff)

 For potential yard games, most students selected Jenga with 25.37% of the vote. The results for this question were close with Giant Connect 4, Cornhole, and Spike Ball proving to be popular as well. Some students answered ‘other,’ but the textbox results did not have any outstanding trends. 

 Next, SG asked about student interest in events held by Osprey Life and Productions, or other organizations, at the pool. 89.13% responded that they would attend future events. 

 An open text box at the end, allowed students to share anything else. 

 One student wrote: “It comes off as being for competitive use only.” The pool’s name is the Competition Pool Complex, and this could be an issue misleading students. The pool is used by the swim team, but students are also able to use the facility when the swim team is not practicing.  

Other students had issues with the pool hours and the hours for events on campus demanding events to be held later in the evening to increase student attendance.

 “Stop making events 10-2 because it is usually always during my classes, you’d have a bigger student turnout with time changes,” a student responded. 

SG will share the data with the Department of Recreation and Wellness who will use student feedback to improve the new pool facility. Hopefully, the results of the survey will result in adjusted hours and additional pool equipment.


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