By: Lindsay Montgomery, Managing Editor
Student Body President Matt Brockelman announced Jan. 18 that Senate President and interim Budget and Allocations Chair Carlo Fassi is now aiming for the highest-paid student body president position in Florida.
Fassi has served in Student Government since 2009. His running mate, Michael Naughton, is Brockelman’s chief of staff and a former Osprey Productions director.
The introductions were made during a dinner held by the Red party in ballroom C of the Student Union.
Brockelman described his roommate and friend as someone who not only has a vision but knows how to implement it.

During his speech, Fassi highlighted the significance that extracurricular activities, such as student government, hold for him. He said his experiences with extracurriculars will likely account for the majority of what he learns during his time at UNF.
“As your Red party candidates for the upcoming election,” Fassi said, “Michael Naughton and I understand what it takes to not only meet the expectations of your previous administration, but to exceed them.”
Naughton’s speech, which supported Fassi and gave accolades to the current administration, also prompted several laughs from the audience.
“While attempting to put the final touches on my speech,” he said, “I did what any normal college student would do — I looked for inspiration on Facebook.”
Naughton spoke of his leadership experience and dedication to the Red party. He said that he is ready to begin a new chapter on his journey and begin giving back to UNF.
About 100 students attended and enjoyed drinks, dinner and dessert provided by the Red party, which has won 8 of the last 9 student body president elections, since its creation in 2003.
As of Jan. 24, no other candidates or parties have officially announced plans to seek the seat.
The spring elections will be held March 6-7.
Matt Head contributed to this report.
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