University & Student Affairs
Student Government Senator Christopher Jordan proposed legislation (JR-16S-2927: HRO) to support the Jacksonville City Council’s upcoming vote to expand the Human Rights Ordinance (HRO).
“Jacksonville lacks an HRO that would provide protection for members of the LGBT community from discrimination in areas such as housing or employment,” said Jordan.
The bill, pending approval by the Senate, will be sent to the Jacksonville City Council, the Jacksonville Coalition for Equality, UNF president John Delaney and Vice-President of International and Student Affairs Dr. Mauricio Gonzalez.
“We have to let them know that we give the amendment our full support,” Jordan said.
The Senate will vote on the bill Feb. 8.
Budget & Allocations
The Budget and Allocations Committee (BAC) postponed sending a 2016 budget to the Senate after deliberating late into the night.
The BAC will convene in the Senate Chambers on Feb. 3 to further discuss the budget. If finalized, Treasurer Cameron Duffy will present the budget to the Senate for approval Feb. 22.
The committee also approved $7,737.65 in travel and special requests for five registered student organizations; the Society of Women Engineers, the Ceramic Guild, Club Tennis, Rasine Kreyol (UNF’s Haitian culture club), and the Student Council for Exceptional Children.

Constitution & Statutes
The Constitution and Statutes committee deliberated over the “the Baker Bill” which would raise the minimum GPA requirement of Senators from 2.25 to 2.5. Attorney General Dana Baker said the raise in GPA would keep Senators focused on their studies. Baker cited the University of Florida and Florida International University having a minimum GPA of 2.5 for student government members.
Baker requested further information and the opinion of Vice President for Student and International Affairs Dr. Mauricio Gonzales.
Pending a student vote on the spring ballot, the changes would be enforced beginning fall 2016.
Government Oversight
The Government Oversight Committee (GOC) reconfirmed Election Commissioner Bradley Johnson for the spring semester.
The Election Commissioner is an independent office who oversees candidates’ adherence to the Elections Policies and Procedures.
The GOC also approved Jen Lee for a fall Senate seat. Lee will return to the Student Government Senate Chamber to finalize her appointment at the next Senate meeting.
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