An uncontested election did not deter students from voting for “The Baker Bill” (CR-16S-2926), an attempt to raise the minimum GPA for Student Government members from 2.25 to 2.5.
A total of 888 students voted for “The Baker Bill” and 158 voted against.
The ballot also featured two plebiscites, or questions posed to the student body.
The first plebiscite asked students if they support a reallocation of $0.15 from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) fee to athletics. Currently, the DRC fee is $0.34 per credit hour compared to the athletics fee of $19.12.
Dr. Rusty Dubberly, the Director of the DRC, said via phone the center should get by okay though he believes it will be “very tight.” Dubberly said a decrease would not affect students or the center’s abilities as the university is federally mandated to offer its services.
Students voted 551-480 against the reallocation.
The other plebiscite asked students if having Bright Futures for the summer term would encourage them to take more classes during summer months.
Sixty-eight percent voted “yes” and 4 percent voted “no” with 29 percent identifying they did not have Bright Futures.
There were 1,046 voters in this election, an increase of 45 students from the fall election.
According to UNF Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, 15,675 students are enrolled at UNF– meaning 6.7 percent of the student body voted. Last year’s spring election garnered 2,754 votes, or 17 percent of the student body.
You can find the election results here.
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