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Police Beat Sept. 19

Logo-policebeat5Sept. 9 – Sick Person (Bldg 45)

At 2:40 p.m., a UPD officer responded to reports of a student having a seizure. The student was attended other students, but was unable to speak. Engine 150 and Rescue 50 responded to the scene and transported the student to the Mayo Hospital.

Sept. 10 – Seemingly Random Aggression (Bldg 38)

A UPD officer responded to a parking dispute at in the Arena parking garage at 1:00 p.m.  The complainant stated that she was attempting to park her vehicle when another driver (likely a student) became engaged in a dispute with her. The defendant allegedly called the complainant a “b—h” and said she was going to “f— up” the complainant’s car. The defendant contacted the UPD and said she was going out to check on her vehicle, and noticed several pieces of trash near it.

Sept. 11 – Petty Theft (Bldg 12)

A student parked his bicycle outside the library, attaching it to the bike racks by running a lock through the frame. When he returned from the library, he found the front wheel of his bicycle missing. There are no suspects, and no known witnesses to the theft.

Sept. 17 – Criminal Mischief (Osprey Crossings)

Two bicycles parked outside the Crossing Housing Complex had their tire rims damaged and bent. The complainant who contacted the UPD had her bicycle damaged severely. The bike is unserviceable until the rim and tire can be replaced. A second bicycle, whose owner is unknown, had similar damages.

Sept. 10-18 – Information (Bldg 41)

A UPD Officer met with a complainant who had encountered problems with a second student’s mother. The complainant stated that she and the second student had been working on a group project for a class together, when they encountered personal differences. After resolving these issues, they were able to work together.

The complainant said her brother told her the second student’s mother was posting on social media sites, calling the complainant a bad person and a liar.

The complainant contacted the second student’s mother, and left a message asking her to stop using social media to spread lies. The call was not returned.

The complainant said she contacted her parents about being possibly approached, and stated that she just wanted the incident reported.

The UPD Officer called the second student, and left a message asking to speak with her. The call was returned ten minutes later, and the student and her parents spoke to the Officer. The student advised the officer that the incident was over, and there would be no problems between the two students.

Sept. 17 – Petty Theft (Bldg 41)

A fifty foot Ethernet cable was stolen from an office, which had previous reports of missing items. The complainant assured the responding UPD Officer that the office area and inner offices were locked. No suspects have been identified yet.

Sept. 18 – Marijuana (Osprey Cove)

An officer went to investigate reports of marijuana odor emanating from a room, at 11:59 p.m. The officer arrived at the specified room, and smelled an odor of marijuana. He knocked on the door, and when a student opened it, the officer smelled the odor of marijuana quite strongly. He asked for permission to enter the room and was granted it.

The officer asked a student if there were any illegal drugs or paraphernalia, and the student produced a brown wooden box. It contained 1.6 grams of marijuana, and a glass jar and pipe with marijuana residue. Four students present in the room confessed to smoking the marijuana earlier in the day, and one stated that he does not smoke, but was present in the room when the others did so. The officer noted that the room’s smoke detector was blocked with what appeared to be a paper bowl and blue masking tape. All five students were referred to student conduct.

Email Joseph Cook at

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