Injured person – Feb. 27 (Fine Arts Center)
UNFPD dispatched an officer at 10:20 a.m to Building 45 for an injured person.
The complainant, a student in the Art Department, sustained an injury to the right side of her forehead. The complainant said she was experiencing dizziness and nausea, but was otherwise coherent.
According to the UNFPD report, the complainant had been working in a drawing room when a metal easel fell and struck her in her temple.
The officer offered to contact rescue personnel, but the complainant refused, citing financial issues. The officer continued to explain that emergency services might be best to evaluate her condition, but the complainant eventually had several friends escort her to the UNF Clinic.
The officer noted that the other easels in the classroom had been secured in their upright position by a ratchet bolt and wire, but that the easel in question had not been secured. UPD has notified Environmental Health and Safety.

Theft – March 3 (UNF)
A UNF student reported the theft of his parking decal from his truck’s bumper on Monday.
UNFPD reports that the student suspected that his parking decal had been stolen sometime around Feb. 10. Due to the student’s class schedule, he had not had time to notify UNFPD and he stated that he had been using daily passes for the last few weeks.
The student was unsure of the exact date and location of the theft, but said he suspects that it was stolen somewhere on campus.
UNFPD has suspended the case because of the report’s timeframe and the inability to identify a suspect.
Theft – March 5 (Lot 10)
At 1:36 p.m., a student reported several items stolen from her car.
According to UNFPD’s report, she said she had left her vehicle unlocked in Lot 10 on March 3 around 3:30 p.m. and returned on March 5 around 12:30 p.m. to find that several items had been stolen from her vehicle.
The items stolen from the vehicle were two phone chargers, a USB cable, a CD case and an estimated $150 of CD’s and recorded music.
There was no damage to the interior or exterior of the car, nor any signs of forced entry. The complainant said that she normally locks her car, but didn’t remember if she had this time.
Due to weather and the timeframe of the incident, the officer did not process the exterior of the car. The complainant stated that she did not want the interior of the car processed.
There are currently no suspects and patrol efforts have been suspended.
Vandalism – March 6 (Building 3)
A fourth instance of a water fountain being torn down.
At 5:56 a.m., a Physical Facilities employee discovered a water fountain had been removed off an exterior wall of Building Three.
The responding UNFPD officer found the water fountain lying on the ground still connected to it’s water and power source. Despite a small dent, where the officer believed it struck the ground, the water fountain remained undamaged.
The employee believed the fountain could be reattached to the wall. The damage at the time of the report was estimated to be $50, according to the UNFPD report.
Golf cart theft and property damage – March 6 (Building 5)
A UNF Employee reported a stolen mechanical cart at 6 a.m. to UNFPD
The complainant told the responding officer he left the cart outside the Physical Facilities building at 4 a.m. with the keys in the ignition. He returned at 4:35 a.m. to find that the cart had been taken, reported UNFPD.
The officer found the cart on the wooden walkway between the Hall and the Cove. The suspect(s) hit the wooden railing while trying to negotiate a turn, causing an estimated $800 in damage to the walkway.
Physical Facilities was able to remove the cart, and they noted that there seemed to be no damage to the vehicle. Due to safety concerns, Physical Facilities made temporary repairs to the railing until the damage can be fully repaired.
There are no known suspects or witnesses at this time.

Theft – March 6 (Building 58E)
UPD dispatched an officer at 10 a.m. in response to a reported theft at the Student Union.
The complainant, a student, told the officer his iPad had gone missing the day before. The complainant said he had last seen his iPad in a carry bag in his office on March 5. He stated he had only left the office to use the restroom that day.
When asked, the complainant said that he didn’t know of any suspects.

Intoxicated student – March 6 (The Cove)
An RA contacted UNFPD at 11:11 p.m. after observing an intoxicated student on the second floor of Building U.
The officer witnessed the student vomiting in her bathroom of her dorm on arrival. The student said she had been drinking with two friends in the dorm next to hers.
Fire and Rescue administered first aid on the scene. FR then transported the student to Mayo Clinic. Her emergency contact was notified.
Email Alex Wilson at reporter15@unfspinnaker.com