UNF’s Campus Life will be hosting a March Madness Spirit Week in celebration of the men’s basketball team making their way to the first round of the 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament.
March Madness Spirit Week is taking place Tuesday, March 10 through Friday, March 13, with multiple events happening each day. Face painting, “Swoop Coupe Giveaways” and free sidewalk chalk from the Campus Life office will be featured throughout the week.
Wednesday’s main events include a visit from the Jacksonville Giants basketball team at 12 p.m. to wish UNF’s men’s basketball team good luck in the upcoming NCAA championship and the “March toward Madness” at 3 p.m., where students can participate in a UNF themed parade through campus. Students who want to participate can meet at Alumni Square outside of Chick-fil-A.
Thursday’s main event is “Zip Line Night!” between 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., where students with a valid Osprey1Card can head to the Nature Trails to zip line over Lake Oneida. There will also be a “Basketball Challenge” at 1 p.m., where UNF basketball players will serve as judges for a basketball contest.
Friday will conclude Spirit Week with a blue smoothie giveaway at 12 p.m.

Photo by Morgan Purvis
*3/12/15 at 11:11 a.m. – Updated with video coverage of Market Day.
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