The following is according to University of North Florida Police reports.

Big spender commits card fraud – June 18
A UNF employee notified UNFPD of a theft on June 18 around 9 p.m. after noticing several items missing from her purse.
The victim said she left her purse in her office inside the top drawer of an unlocked filing cabinet between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. that same day. The victim did not notice the theft immediately, but around 8 p.m. she received a fraud alert from one of her cards. Upon inspection she found that two credit cards, a debit card and her driver’s license were missing from her wallet. However, no other items were missing.
The victim cancelled all three cards and notified her banks. She discovered that all three cards had been used in the St. John’s Town Center. The suspect, who is unknown at this time, spent more than $4,000 between Panda Express, Best Buy, Apple Store and Bebe.
The officer attempted to dust the filing cabinet for prints but was unsuccessful. The investigation was handed to the detective division and is ongoing.
Unknown suspect robs UNF Bookstore – June 26
A UNF Bookstore employee notified UNFPD of a theft after she reviewed the security tapes from earlier in the day.
The complainant showed the officer the footage, which depicted a black male entering the store with a gift bag. The complainant said the suspect then went to the technology section and placed a pair of Beats headphones and two Roku Streaming Sticks in the bag. The suspect then spoke with an employee of the bookstore for a short period of time before leaving.
According to the report, the suspect wore a gray shirt, khaki pants and grey/white sneakers. He appeared between 5 feet 5 inches and 6 feet tall, middle aged and bald. Due to the lack of information, patrol efforts have been suspended. However, the case has not been cleared.
Student reports wallet stolen – June 30
A UNF student reported his wallet stolen when it went missing while he played basketball on June 25 at the UNF Arena (Building 34).
The victim said all the players placed their wallets, cell phones and keys along the wall while they played. Upon the victim’s return, he found that his wallet was missing. However, no other players’ property was missing.
The victim cancelled his debit card as soon as he noticed the theft. There were no fraudulent charges on the card. The victim said he spoke to the Arena employees, but no one saw anything and no wallet was returned.
Due to lack of suspects, patrol efforts have been suspended.
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