The formation of the Impact Party was originally announced via social media on Jan. 12. The party consisted of Gustavo Ascanio and Chelsea Padgett running for Student Government President and Vice President, respectively.
Now, former Impact Party Campaign Manager Jordan Wilson stated via phone on Jan. 27, the party has been in the process of dropping from the upcoming election over the last few days.
On Jan. 28, Ascanio confirmed he couldn’t run for the presidency because he will be returning home during summer. When asked if his decision to drop from the race was related to the recent UNFPD incident involving Wilson, Ascanio stated it was not.
Caleb Grantham, current SG Vice President and Presidential candidate for the United Party, stated multiple members of the Impact Party have approached him about joining the United Party. No statement was given regarding a decision on this matter.
Registered candidates in the executive branch election must issue their declarations of intent by Feb. 2. Spinnaker will continue to follow and update.
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