With just a short time before the Jacksonville Jaguars season kicks off, more information on student ticket sales and benefits have been announced by Student Government.

Student season passes cost $210, or students can purchase individual game tickets (excluding the home-opener against Green Bay) for $30 each. Students can purchase up to four season passes or four individual game tickets. Last year, season passes cost $175, but according to SG Project Manager Rachel Bryant, tickets prices and sales for the Jaguars have increased overall.
Seating is near the north end zone, sections 228-230; the same sections as last year.
Jaguars shirts will be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis at the ticket booth’s Osprey Plaza location. In addition to buying tickets at a student rate, season pass purchases will have other promotional perks, such as a locker room tour and several raffles.
The official ticket sales dates were posted on SG’s Facebook page, with the first one July 19. When purchasing your tickets, make sure to bring your student ID and some form of payment (cash, debit, and credit). Ticket sales in previous years have been held in Osprey Plaza at the Student Union. For more information regarding sales, please contact Student Government.

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