*Correction 9/22: A previous version of this article did not include fall senate seat Derrick Clark. We regret the error.
An emergency Student Government (SG) senate meeting convened on Monday, taking care of the appointments from the four-hour long Sept. 12 meeting.
The majority of the night involved appointing 11 new senators, bringing the number of sitting Senate members to 39. Appointees were asked about their experiences that qualified them for a senate seat and what potential initiatives they would introduce if appointed.
The Senate appointed the following students as senators:
Spring Seats:
Payton Turner
Averi Jones
Delaney Keefe
Fall seats:
Will Pease
Blake Baker
Nathan Rollings
Eric Prill
Chris Lovell
Derrick Clark
Lauren Harrison
Patricia Acedo
Associate Justices:
Jesse Lard
Kimberly McKarin
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