UNF School of Music’s hosts ‘Seeking Refuge’ benefit concert
March 15, 2018

The UNF School of Music and Choral Department will be hosting a free benefit concert called “Seeking Refuge” that will not only raise money for refugee charities but the ensemble itself will be made up of local refugees.
The Choral Department worked alongside Jacksonville refugee organizations to create an ensemble consisting of refugees who have resettled in Jacksonville. The Jacksonville SINGS! Refugee Chorus will include people from Burma, Congo, and Eritrea. Their chorus will be performing alongside the UNF Chorale, The Osprey TREBLE, and their student conductors in order to spread awareness of refugees.
“The goal of the benefit concert is to create awareness about the large population of refugees that are in Jacksonville and to spread awareness about their needs as well as to raise funds to support the efforts of the infrastructures in place to help them,” said Cara Tasher, director of Choral Studies and professor of music at UNF.
Normally, concert proceeds would go to student travel for the chorus ensembles, however, the concert is a free event and all donations will benefit the three main organizations in Jacksonville that look to help refugees; Catholic Charities Bureau of Jacksonville, Lutheran Social Services, and World Relief.
“This isn’t necessarily benefiting our students financially, but it is benefiting them in a rich and cultural way,” said Tasher.
Rehearsals start Sunday, March 18, on-campus. If students want to get involved and volunteer to help, they can contact Tasher at (904) 620-3839.
The “Seeking Refuge” benefit concert will start at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 6, at 38 Cathedral Place in St. Augustine.
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