UNF Panhellenic Council plans to change rules to abide by new alcohol policies
August 29, 2018
*Correction 10:15 p.m.: The Panhellenic Council plans to change vote on the bylaws in September. Risk management rules were changed in January.

As UNF recently changes its alcohol policies to further ban alcohol from student events, UNF’s Panhellenic Council plans to alter their policies to meet the University’s demands.
According to the Panhellenic 2018 bylaws which will be voted on in September, no alcoholic beverages may be served or stored in any university spaces. Previously, alcohol was only banned from “chapter housing.”
Panhellenic bylaws already had rules against having alcohol involved in the council or chapter, including the prohibition of alcohol being purchased with council money. Alcohol was also prohibited in situations that involved chapters co-sponsoring an event where alcohol may be present.
The Panhellenic Council’s risk management rules were reevaluated back in January of this year and will officially be implemented if voted on in September. The council placed the new rules on themselves voluntarily making their events dry.
Chapters need to register all socials, date functions, formals, and semi-formals with the Council. Chapters will also be required to complete a Chapter Risk Management training before having any events.
“All students, including fraternity and sorority members, are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct and UNF policies,” Associate Director of Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Jennifer Miranda affirmed.
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