UNF dean resigns after reportedly engaging in a “consensual sex act” on campus
October 3, 2018
Mark Tumeo, the dean of the College of Computing, Engineering and Construction, resigned, according to a Special Edition Osprey Update email sent out on Wednesday.
According to the update, Tumeo’s resignation follows what was reported as a “consensual sex act” that took place on campus.

“[The act] was unbecoming of a University official and doesn’t comply with the standards expected of members of our University community,” the update said. “It’s important to note that the conduct didn’t directly involve students or other University employees.”
The resignation is effective immediately, the email said.
Interim Provost Pam Chally has appointed Associate Dean William “Chip” Klostermeyer to resume Tumeo’s responsibilities in the interim, according to the update. The University will be conducting a search for a new dean soon.

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Jimmy Buffet • Oct 4, 2018 at 6:29 pm
Karma at it’s finest, I have an acquaintance that worked with this excuse of a man and he was so rude to him even cussed him out while working to help the dean. This man will obviously find a new job and resume his acts of sodomy in new realms. He was payed a quarter of a million a year to do this and who knows how many times he had done this before not just on University property but on University time which the students are paying quite a bit for.
Trent Barry • Oct 3, 2018 at 1:27 pm
If conduct didn’t directly involve students or other University employees.” Who did he have the consensual sex act with and what where they doing on Campus? His hand? One on the Gard Dogs that run off the Geese? I know There will NEVER BE A ANswer to my question. Same as the Old U.N.F. as when I took the first class they ever offed there..Trent Barry