Budget-friendly Halloween costumes for broke college students
October 18, 2018
Balancing classes throughout the week and still managing to have a social life might be an issue this holiday, but overthinking a costume is a thing of the past. Here are some easy and budget-friendly ideas.
Ladies’ Man:

If you’ve got a sense of humor this costume is perfect. Become the ladies man that you’ve always desired to be by hot gluing Barbie dolls to an old t-shirt.
Rosie the Riveter:

This is one of the most comfortable costumes that you can do. All you will need is a Canadian tuxedo and a bandana. Walmart sells bandanas for $1.
Holly Golightly from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”:

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a classic, so why not grab a trench coat and a crown to bring class to the local parties. This costume is effortless and can be found at any thrift store. City Thrift and Goodwill are good places to find a trench coat.
Chic Frankenstein and his wife:

Grab your mate and wear all black with a grey hairstreak to wow the guest at the party.

This look is fun, cute and it can easily be accomplished. Grab that bubblegum-colored dress that has been sitting in your closet for years and pick up a crown from Hot Topic (for less than $5) to accomplish this look.
These costumes can all be created with only the help of your closet and a dollar store, and your wallet will definitely thank you!
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