Parkland shooting anniversary: How students are using their voice to move forward
February 14, 2019
A year has passed since the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting, and people are moving forward to honor the fallen and reflect on everything that has passed since that time.
Among those making efforts for change following the shooting is Tionna Seabrook, Sociology Major and member of UNF’s Students for a Democratic Society. Seabrook offered insights into the positive momentum gained over the last year.
“I would definitely say there’s been more student-led organizations,” Seabrook said. “Back in the ‘70s, student-led organizations started in the college campus, and now it’s cool to see that high-schoolers are taking action on their campus, and it’s just been a snowball effect, so I think that’s kinda neat.”
Students for a Democratic Society have been working to improve UNF’s campus community and to prevent tragedy, such as sexual assault and discrimination.In light of the shooting, more rallies and organizations have spoken out to better support students as much as possible, such as increased federal funding and scrutinizing administration.
Seabrook’s statements were proven to be true by the March For Our Lives, where students, both current and former, took to the streets to protest against gun violence in the United States. Some students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas even came to Jacksonville in support of the March.

The group of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas high traveling for Road to Change
In Seabrook’s eyes, this increased student involvement means staff and administration will be held more accountable for their actions and inactions, as was the case with MSD.
“One of the big things we fight for is accountability from administration, UPD, faculty, and whoever else. For example, a police officer did not enter Marjory Stoneman Douglas. He didn’t do what he was supposed to. He would have entered to building, when instead, he ran. That was detrimental at Parkland. There wasn’t enough accountability,” Seabrooks explained. “That’s been a main factor in everything we’ve been trying do.”
Seabrooks looks to the future with hope that more people will hear their message and join SDS going forward.
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