Who’s Running for Student Government?
February 19, 2019
UNF has two parties with presidential candidates and three with senate candidates running for Student Government office this semester. Here’s a quick look at who’s running.
The Forward Party
The Forward Party is hoping to pass the baton from President DuPilka to John Aloszka, the party’s Vice Chairman and current SG Chief of Staff. Natalie Costello is the chosen Vice President, and the party will be running eleven senators.
Returning senators would be Kathryn Schneider, Thatcher Hart, Karlee Gordon, Camden Dean, and Markos Kampouroglou.
New senate-hopefuls include Dina Lara, Lauren Diaz, Mikaela Rosas, Darryl Boyer, Monica Martinez, and Lucas Ryan.

The Frontier Party
Lee Tomlins, former SG Chief Justice, is the presidential candidate for the Frontier party.
The selected Vice President for Frontier is Nicole Rossomano, and the party will be running a returning senator, Griffin Gangwer.

The Pink Party
The Pink Party will be running three returning senators and one new senator. Jennifer Doan would be the senate-hopeful. Returning senators would be Hunter Clarke, Valerie Fonseca, and Party Chairman Marisa Materazzi.

*Updated @ 3:50 p.m.
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