Police Beat: An escalated argument, a threatening phone call and a stolen wallet

Ramona Ramdeen, Police Reporter

Wait. What???

On June 24, 2019, UNFPD responded to a call in reference to a disturbance at The Flats. Upon arrival UPD could not locate a disturbance but was stopped by a motorist in the parking lot who stated he and his girlfriend observed several males arguing in front of building 8.

The witness stated he could not hear what the argument was about but that 3 vehicles were involved including a red Honda, tan Kia, and a black Corvette. The witness also stated that the red Honda had the tan Kia blocked into a parking space and that the Honda backed into the Kia and drove over the parking curb in order to flee and was chased out of the complex by the Kia and the Corvette. The witness says he did not see any weapons.

The police report goes on to say,  the second witness (the girlfriend of the first witness) also stated that she observed several males arguing. She stated that a red vehicle had a tan vehicle blocked in and a Corvette was parked next to them. She claimed to have seen a male walking around the vehicles with a black handgun in his hand. She stated she did not hear any threats at that time, and did not see the male point the gun at anyone.

According to the police report, the second witness says the tan vehicle (Kia) hit the red vehicle (Honda), and drove over the parking curb, and that the Honda and a Black Corvette chased the tan Kia  out of the complex, towards Kernan Blvd.

The initial caller was then located and stated there was a female involved in the altercation as well.  She says she did not recognize any of them from the complex. The caller also stated that the Kia struck the Honda and fled, and was chased by the other two vehicles, but that she noticed no weapons.

The report says UPD was then notified by JSO that they were responding to a call regarding an incident at The Flats and that a black Corvette was present. The driver was claiming he had fled from the Flats due to a gun threat.

UPD then joined JSO at the second location in order to interview the driver of the Corvette who stated that he was having a cookout with a “lady friend” and she became drunk. The other guests were trying to make her leave with them, but he protested her efforts to leave and an argument ensued.

During the argument, a black male retrieved a gun from his vehicle. The driver of the Corvette claims he was threatened by the gun but would not say how. He did not mention any shots being fired. He also refused to give the police any names or details about the other witnesses involved. However, in a second recollection he stated that shots were fired and he fled out of fear. He also claims he was the one being chased by the other two vehicles.  

When questioned by the officers as to why he fled and didn’t stop to call the police, he did not give an answer.

According to police reports, the driver of the Corvette was involved in a similar incident last month that ended with him being arrested for aggravated assault. His father was present during the interview and stated his son has been “hanging out” with some questionable subjects recently. He further stated his son was robbed of $2,000 recently, after meeting “someone” to buy something. In that case, the father stated his son also refused to give JSO any names or information.

The subject told officers that he was not a resident of The Flats, nor was he a student at UNF.  When asked why he was at The Flats, he stated that he goes there all the time to use the pool and cookout and thought it was okay.

Due to the conflicting statements and the subject’s refusal to provide any names or phone numbers of potential witnesses or suspects, there is no further investigation at this time.

Get A-HOLD of Yourself, Man!

On June 24,  the UNF Police Department was dispatched to 4892 First Coast Tech Parkway Bldg. 53 to meet with a One Stop supervisor in response to a threatening phone call that was made to one of her employees.   The notes left by her employee said that a UNF student was “COMING TO KICK HIS ASS UNLESS HE REMOVED THE HOLD OFF HIS ACCOUNT.” The notes also said that the student wanted to talk to someone else about the hold.

The police report states the One Stop supervisor said she talked with the student who was very upset about the hold, but did not make any threats to her.

The employee who was threatened was contacted by UNFPD via telephone and stated that he did not call UNF Police because he was not concerned. He also stated that he did not wish to make a formal report and only left the notes as a heads-up for his other co-workers because the student was so upset over the hold that he would not allow the One Stop employee to explain how to take care of the hold.

Keep an Eye Out for your Valuables!

On June 26, UNFPD was dispatched to building 39 in response to a stolen wallet. According to the report, the student stated that while he was in class, his wallet fell out of his pocket. Approximately five minutes later, he discovered the wallet was missing. Class was being dismissed at that time.

The victim then notified his professor, who instructed him to call UPD. UPD contacted the professor who stated she did not see anything and there are approximately 200 students in the class.


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